Fire Safety
Yesterday, we had fire safety today and a few firemen came with a fire truck. So that the kids aren't scared of all the firemen in their masks and gear, they had a teacher dress up in the fire stuff... and since I am the new teacher, I got volunteered for that. I really didn't mind, it was kind of fun. :) Anywho, I got the boots, pants, jacket, hat, and even the oxygen tank. Well, they put the mask on, but it was a little loose and so I could still breathe out around the seams. I had just exhaled when they pushed the mask all the way on so it was a tight seal... but I had no air in my lungs and they hadn't turn the oxygen on. So here I am, head to toe gear with a mask pushed on my face and a vacuum is now being created so there was NO AIR! Scariest moment of my life! I started grabbing the mask and trying to pull it off, but the firefighters kept pushing it back on until one guy figured out that they never turned the air on. Everyone laughed... except me... :) I found out some of the older kids turned around and asked the principal if I was ok since I was starting to thrash around a bit... oops... I panicked! :( I felt like Tommy Boy when they were demonstrating the inflatable children's life vest... I hope you've seen the movie Tommy Boy, because if not, that really doesn't make sense.
Moral of the story... make sure the air is turned on when putting on an oxygen mask.
And yes, I was pointed out the irony of suffocating in an oxygen mask... :)
Moral of the story... make sure the air is turned on when putting on an oxygen mask.
And yes, I was pointed out the irony of suffocating in an oxygen mask... :)
Praise God for learning moments that don't hurt! Congrats on the job by the way! What a blessing!!! (By the way, found your blog through facebook!)
Have a blessed one, or two... or really... MANY!