Lost and Found

Have you ever lost something months prior and then wonder where you put it and then look everywhere for it, trying to remember where you were the last time you had it? Well, you'll have to forgive me for not having any updated pictures, but my camera is my missing item. You see, at my school, we do so many fun things that often I like to get pictures of what goes on. I also take pictures for other teachers of what happens in their classroom. Well, I always had my camera in the same spot on my desk. Then I started thinking I should upload pictures to my computer so I don't lose them, but every time I was at home, I remembered my camera was at school. But then when I was at school, I didn't see my camera and so I remembered that it was at home... see a problem? It wasn't until the first part of May when I realized that it wasn't in either place, and that I had no clue where it was. So I started checking as many places as I could remember. I tried thinking of everywhere I was with my camera, checking what the last place was I had it. Almost a month this process goes on. I felt horrible - this was my nice digital camera that I loved. Well, today, as I was helping set up our church garage sale, I was listening to my Irish music and then it occurred to me, the PS/PK studied Ireland last, not Egypt like I thought. I'll bet my stuff is with my Irish CDs. So tonight, I was very tired and sore (first time I had a sore back from lifting things - I'm getting old) and after a nap, I happened to stumble upon the bag. And what was in the bottom? My camera. I've had to hold it in my hands a few times to make sure it was real since I've been dreaming of this moment. Ah, how attached we can get to things. Lesson learned, not leaving my sight again!


Esther said…
Remember what I said about your desk? Just kidding, glad you found it!
Mary Metzger said…
You'd be proud - 2 weeks ago my desk was as clean as when I started school... course then we had the ABC sale and that kinda ruined that! :)

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