Long Overdue...

I'm posting my long overdue update.  Yes, I realize it's been, wow, 4 months, but hey, when you work with computers all day long, often the last thing I want to do is sit on the computer at home, even though I took a long time to put together my computer... but that's another adventure.

In the last 4 months I've gone to the Houston Rodeo, Johnson Space Center (NASA), finally hung pictures on my walls and unpacked a little more, gone to New Orleans with my community band, and help out on Saturday mornings with people from work who are training for the MS150 coming up.  Details on all these will be coming along with pictures.

Now for some sad news I figured I'd better share since it's on Facebook.  I came home from New Orleans on Sunday to find that Spork (my boy guinea pig) was sick.  He's been sick before, but this time he didn't drink anything for at least 2 days.  So Monday I picked up some fresh veggies and tried to get him to eat them, but he did nothing, didn't even notice they were there.  Tuesday morning he looked even worse and didn't even have fight when I squirted water in his mouth to get some water in him.  I came home from work that evening, and Spork didn't make it.  So it's just me and Turtle now - she's doing ok, I think she realizes now that he's gone, but we've had some bonding and she's not sick so she'll be fine.  

I'll post more another time.
Take care!  Happy early Easter!


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