Have You Ever...

Eh, still killing time before the shuttle...

gone on a blind date? Yup, a few, but obviously nothing came of them
skipped school? In college, yes, mostly due to wanting to sleep, or something else important...
watched someone die? Close, we were about 5 minutes shy from watching my grandfather go. We were by his side, went home just 5 minutes away, and no sooner did we get home and the nurse called us saying to get back immediately before he goes. Well, he was already gone by then, but it was still weird being next to someone who is dead, before they do all the makeup stuff at the funeral home.
been to Canada? Yes, Stratford for a Shakespeare festival, Thunder Bay for 19th birthday :), and Toronto for choir tour in college.
been to Mexico? just barely in Nogales, right on the border
been to Florida? Yup for band tour my sophomore year of high school
been on a plane? Several times, was even planning on being on one today!! :)
been lost? Mostly in thought, but I have the nack for saying "we need to head to that general direction" and find my way. I love city driving!
been on the opposite side of the country? Texas!! It's the opposite side vertically! :)
swam in the ocean? Once, but it was too cold...
had your booze taken away by the cops? No, almost by an RA, but I was too paranoid so we threw it all out
lettered in high school sport? Yup, soccer my senior year, but I also lettered in band and drama
cried yourself to sleep? yes, more than ever lately, but that will change, I'm sure of it! :)
played cops and robbers? probably, my best friends were boys growing up... explains a little bit, doesn't it!
played dolls? Yeah, but not with much enthusiasm. I usually ended up being the guy because my friends had most of the Barbies and they were girlier than I was...
sung karaoke? Yes, very very very late one night after a beverage or two... and on a school night, too. Never again...
paid for a meal with coins only? Yes, what college person hasn't??
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Too many to mention, but somehow I always talk myself into it... I easily give in to peer pressure, and I'm thankful for the friends God has given me not to push me into anything bad!
cheated on an exam? maybe... depends on the technical rules...
made prank phone calls? yes, but only to my friends
laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose? I don't think I've ever projected it out, but it's come close
caught a snowflake on your tounge? Of course, I grew up in WI!
danced in the rain? Yes!!
written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes, for me and my brother when we were little
watched the sunrise with someone you care about? No, the only sunrises I have seen were either at work or pulling an all-nighter
been kissed under the misteltoe? sadly, no...
ever been arrested? no
blown bubbles? Yes
gone ice skating? Played ice hockey, of course!
been skinny dipping outdoors? nope
had a nickname? a few, the latest being "Happy Mary" or "Happy" from this one person at the other Reeds store because of how I answer the phone
been to Africa? nope
eaten cookies for dinner? I'm sure I have
been on TV? no
been in a car accident? Yes, 3 while I was in the car, 2 when it was parked
What is your...
mother's name? Susan
favorite drink? Long Island Iced Tea
favorite alcohol? Cider
birthplace? Milwaukee, WI
favorite vacation spot? Ireland
favorite salad dressing? Ranch
favorite pie? Dutch Apple
favorite number? 31
favorite movie? too many to mention
favorite holiday? ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!
favorite food? Chinese, Mac n Cheese
favorite day of the week? any day I don't have to work
favorite brand of body wash? whatever smells good.
favorite toothpaste? whatever I have left, I've got at least 2 more tubes scattered around
favorite smell? apple cinnamon
Do you have any...
tattoos? yup, only 1 - Celtic cross on my back
body piercings? only 5 on my ears that are still open (6 have closed)
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door Subaru
What do you do to relax? swim
How do you see yourself in 10 years? hopefully married with kids and closer to being out of debt!


Esther said…
You threw out alcohol???? ALCOHOL ABUSE!

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