Hurricane Update

Several of you have been wondering how I'm doing a hurricane looming on the horizon... actually, the hurricane's path shifted and so it's not going really affect us. We may get some rain, but that's about it.

It has been interesting watching how it affects everyone. There are highways that have a sign below the highway number sign that says "Designated Evacuation Highway" with a little hurricane symbol. The electronic boards over interstates that normally list if there's a crash or what the drive times are now flash between "Hurricane season is here" and "Keep your gas tank full". Coming from the Midwest, we've had blizzards and tornadoes. Blizzards are somewhat predictable... you know roughly where it's going to go and its intensity, although that sometimes changes when it actually comes. Tornadoes can pop up in minutes... there's severe storms that may produce tornadoes (tornado watches) and then they spring up if the conditions are right. With hurricanes, this process takes days for it to come. I knew almost a week ago there was one that may hit the Gulf Coast. It's all over the news, the looming hurricane, so you're living with this threat for days. Sure, once you weather a few, I'm sure it's not as big of a deal, but still... days for it to change to more intense and right for you or dissolve and change directions. At least it's not earthquakes, when you know about them, it's too late! :)


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