On the road...

I thought I'd let you all know that I have indeed left Walker. Yesterday the movers came (and were very nice and professional so I didn't fire them) and loaded everything into the moving van... a pink semi with a pink trailer! It looked like Pepto Bismal was pour all over it!! They were there about 3 hours and everything was gone. After another 2 hours of cleaning and packing the car, I was on the road! I stopped by a few friends for dinner so I didn't actually get on the road until after 7pm. I made it as far as Lakeville (south suburb of the Cities) and spent the night. After a little breakfast, I should be on the road. I hope to make it to Tulsa today. It's about 10 hours, but I figure if I'm no the road, even by 9am, that still gives about 13 hours to drive a 10 hour trip. We'll see... around 9pm we'll start reevaluating and see how far I get. I'm SOOOO glad I got a GPS - it can tell me where there are nearby hotels! :)

I'll post more if I can, but probably not until I get to Houston. Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement!!


Anonymous said…
Take care and God bless you on your move to Houston. Love, Mom, Dad and Andy.
Esther said…
Praying for you! So glad to see things are going well!
Ingrid said…
So glad to read the updates. Hope the move goes well. Anxiosu to see what comes next!

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